To push a message, have a little heart humor

By Amy Dunaway

Humor can be a great tool to use when telling a story. When done well, it makes a memorable point and makes people laugh.  It can calm you down as well, especially when in an age of information overload, just looking up a cough online can lead to suspicions of pneumonia or tuberculosis.

To that end, and in honor of Go Red for Women™ and American Heart Month, we’re sharing “Just a Little Heart Attack,” a funny but relatable video, starring actress Elizabeth Banks.

While the video is funny, serious is its message. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in America, and while some women may identify with the mom in this video: young, fit, and active, according to the American Heart Association, 90 percent of women have one or more risk factors for developing heart disease. Scary, right?

But there are steps women and men can all take. From getting the facts and knowing the signs and symptoms of heart attack, to living to prevent or manage heart disease, know your own risk and get involved.  The dog, the mess of toys, and the phone can all wait.


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